Monday, November 24, 2008


So, our furnace is in disrepair. We are waiting on a repairman to install a new one. This will happen today if all goes well. If all does not go well I think I may scream. I am not merely tired of being cold in my home. I have whined so much about it that I'm tired of hearing myself whine about being cold.

There are plenty of people for whom today does not bring a chance of warmth. There are people who live just down the street from me who have to wait until May for their house to be warm again. Who am I to complain about the inconvenience of having to cart space heaters to the room I move to when others would love to have the option of that inconvenience?

Maybe it's my apathetic heart that's making me cold.

1 comment:

The Super Bongo said...

I feel your pain . . . and I think you are as annoyed at the landlord and the crap it's taking to get the heat fixed as you are the inconvenience of having a cold house . . . Plus, you have a young one . . . and the momma tiger in you is always going to want to protect the baby.